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I am a Learning Experience Designer and Project Manager who leverages innovative technology to maximize engagement and improve performance.

Zanya Headshot

eLearning Course 

This course guides participants in the introduction to Body Kintsugi. This course is one unit that is apart of a larger learning experience.

Tools Used: Articulate360, Rise360, Padlet

Healty Roots

Marketing & Communications


Healthy Roots Dolls is a nationally recognized brand. I had the pleasure of curating the email campaigns and product launch events during the very beginning of the brand's inception. 

Tools Used: Asana, Google Docs, Eventbrite

Kuumunity Collab

Digital Organization & Content Creation

KuumUnity Collab_KC_Color.png

Kuumunity Collaborations is a non-profit organization that sits at the intersection of music and community. My work entailed establishing and growing their digital content strategy. 

Channels: Community Marketing, Social Media


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